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28 May 2017 Install: Extract the abdata folder of the 7z into your HS main directory, This means that you NEED to be in Honey Select 1.2 to be able to  16 Sep 2017 unknown glove mod - It's in japanese. Iirc, it spells "neat"? "nitto", zero idea where it's from. It's located after "gantz_gloves" and "netglove", and  20 Sep 2019 What does this mod do? This mod completely removes: Damage to gloves and bleeding hands from sliding down ladders Damage to shoes  16 Jul 2018 PH PR HS刺客装. honeyselect, mod, playhome / PH PR HS刺客装. 1/7. See all. Like. PH PR HS刺客装. PH or HS、Price 100RMB or $16 by one 19 Jun 2016 This mod contains update glove color changes of your choosing. their gloves in the same file as their suits, so take note of your install order.

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